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Telynor's Library, and then some

A woman of a certain age who has three cats underfoot, and has the dream of filling her passport with stamps. Books, classical music, tea, cats, movies, art, fancy needlework,  and anything else I can think of.

A Seat at the Table: A Novel of Forbidden Choices - Joshua Halberstam I enjoyed this one, filled with Jewish lore and recreating the UltraOrthodox world of New York City in detail. Elisha, on the brink of adulthood, and expected to follow his father as a rabbi, is lured by the outside, secular world. With the encouragement of his Uncle Shaya he enters a secular college in Manhattan and meets a lovely young woman by the name of Katrina -- who just happens to be not Jewish. Not certain whether to step forward into the greater world, or remain a Hassid, Elisha questions everything around him. I really enjoyed this one. Four stars overall, and a recommendation.

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