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Telynor's Library, and then some

A woman of a certain age who has three cats underfoot, and has the dream of filling her passport with stamps. Books, classical music, tea, cats, movies, art, fancy needlework,  and anything else I can think of.

King's Mistress: The True and Scandalous Story of the Woman Who Stole the Heart of George I - Claudia Gold A very interesting work on the relationship between George I and his mistress, Melusine von Schulenburg, and the succession of George to the throne of Great Britain in 1714. I only knew faint snippets of the story, and found the story of George's disgraced and discarded wife, Sophia Dorothea to be the stuff of tragedy. All sorts of interesting details about royal life at the time, the way illegitimate children were handled, and the shadowy world of the mistress. Four stars overall, and recommended.

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