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Telynor's Library, and then some

A woman of a certain age who has three cats underfoot, and has the dream of filling her passport with stamps. Books, classical music, tea, cats, movies, art, fancy needlework,  and anything else I can think of.

Moloka'i - Alan Brennert I was stunned by this novel. Set in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century Hawai'i, it tells the story of a young woman who is struck down by leprosy and exiled to a colony for lepers on the island of Moloka'i. And she is only five years old...

Beautiful writing, interesting characters, a story based in fact, with plenty of historical details, this book was a winner for me. I do warn anyone who decides to read this to keep the hankies close by, you're going to need them -- and the author doesn't use any cheap tricks to evoke our emotions either.

Five stars, a must read.

For the longer review, please go here: